Sciatica Treatments

Sciatica symptoms can create a great deal of pain and suffering, but Dr. David Ginsberg and Dr. Jonathan Bullock at Spine Pain & Performance Center in Geneva, IL, offer personalized, natural care to help you find freedom and achieve a higher quality of life.

Chiropractic Care for Sciatica Sufferers

If you’re one of the millions of Americans who have or currently are suffering from sciatica, you are aware of the type of impact it can have. However, you don’t have to keep suffering. Dr. Ginsberg, Dr. Bullock, and the team at Spine Pain & Performance Center in Geneva, IL, share how chiropractic care can help below.

Understanding Sciatica

Though it’s often referred to as a condition, sciatica is the term for symptoms caused by a musculoskeletal injury. The sciatic nerve is a long nerve that travels from the lower back to each of the legs and feet. Misalignment and herniated discs often lead to this nerve becoming pinched or compressed. When this compression occurs, it can lead to symptoms such as:

  • Sharp, shooting pain in the lower back or the legs
  • Burning sensations
  • Numbness and tingling, especially in the legs and feet

These symptoms are usually only felt on one side of the body, as it’s unusual for both nerves to be pinched. The symptoms often dissipate when you move around for a few minutes or change positions, as this releases pressure on the nerve.

The Role of Chiropractic Care

The main goal of chiropractic care when treating sciatic nerve pain is to remove the pressure from the nerve. This is typically done through adjustments and manipulation to correct the alignment of any bones that have shifted out of place. Targeted stretching movements can help create additional space in the spinal column, which relieves pressure on the discs and sciatic nerve.

Soft tissue techniques, such as massage therapy, electrical stimulation therapy, trigger point therapy, and more can also be used to release muscle spasms and relieve tension as well as stimulate healing of the nerves and discs. Strengthening exercises may be used to improve range of motion and increase spinal support. Your chiropractor will also likely recommend lifestyle adjustments that can help enhance your healing, provide relief, and prevent sciatic nerve compression in the future.

Let Dr. Ginsberg, Dr. Bullock, and the team at Spine Pain & Performance Center in Geneva, IL, develop an effective sciatica treatment plan tailored to your individual needs. Call (630) 232-6400 to schedule an appointment today. 


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